If the product's [Settings] > [Interface] > [Network] > [Advanced] > [Firewall] > [Enable] menu is set to [Enabled], [Settings] > [Interface] > [Network] > [Advanced] > [Firewall] > [Allow Services And Ports] > [SATO All-In-One Tool] must be set to [Enabled].
Activate [SATO] > [SATO All-In-One Application] on the computer.
Select [Auto-Discover] from the [Tools] menu on the main screen.
If it is not detected, try to add it manually from [Add new printer]. If it is still not detected, try the following.
Select [Add new printer] from the [Printer] menu on the main screen.
Enter [Printer Name], and select the model name of the product from the [Model] drop down list.
Enter the IP address of the product into [LAN/Wireless IP], and click [OK].
You can check the current IP address of the product in the [Information] menu of the Settings menu of the product.
Open the [LAN] tab.
(1) When you select [Enable], the IP address which is assigned from the DHCP server becomes available. You cannot set the IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway address. When you set the IP address manually, select [Disable].

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