[Interface] Menu
[Network] > [Settings]
[IP Address]
[IP Address]
[Prefix Length]
[Port No.]
[DHCP Options]
[Update DNS (Option 81)]
[IP Address]
[IP Address]
[Prefix Length]
[Port No.]
[DHCP Options]
[Update DNS (Option 81)]
[Wi-Fi Protected Setup]
[Button (PBC)]
[Wi-Fi Direct]
[Device Name]
[Start Group]
[Remove Group]
[IP Address]
[Hidden SSID]
[WEP Conf.]
[Key Index]
[Key #1]-[Key #4]
[WPA Conf.]
[WPA Authentication]
[EAP Conf.]
[EAP Conf.]
[EAP Mode]
[Inner Method]
[Anon. Outer ID]
[Verify Server Cert.]
[Private Key P/W]
[PAC Auto Provisioning]
1 The installed wireless module is displayed in [Wi-Fi Module] in the [Information] menu.
[Network] > [Services] > [Ports]/[NTP]/[LPD]/[FTP]/[SNMP]
[Flow Control]
[TCP Connection Queue]
[Legacy Status for Port 9100]
[ENQ Reply Delay]
[Status4 Cyclic Response]
[Time Server IP]
[DNS Lookup]
[FTPS Settings]
[SSL/TLS Protocol]
[SSL 3.0]
[TLS 1.0]
[TLS 1.1]
[TLS 1.2]
[Cipher Suites]
[SNMP Version]
[User Security]
[Authentication Protocol]
[Authentication Passphrase]
[Privacy Protocol]
[Privacy Passphrase]
[SNMP Version]
[User Security]
[Authentication Protocol]
[Authentication Passphrase]
[Privacy Protocol]
[Privacy Passphrase]
[SNMP Version]
[IP Version]
[Destination 1]
[Destination 2]
[Destination 3]
[Engine ID]
[Authentication Protocol]
[Authentication Passphrase]
[Privacy Protocol]
[Privacy Passphrase]
1 Can also be initialized by [Factory Reset (-Interface)]
[Network] > [Services] > [Online Services]
[SOS Mode]
[Allow Remote Control]
[MQTT Protocol]
[MQTT Proxy enabled]
[Add Device]
[Contact Information]
[Phone Number]
[Periodic Notification]
[Last Update]
[Next Update]
[Current Value]
[Last Update]
[Next Update]
[Current Value]
[Time 1]
[Time 2]
[Time 3]
[Update Screen]
[QR code offset]
[Daily Checkup]
[Port diagnostic]
[Network] > [Services] > [Webconfig]
[SSL/TLS Protocol]
[SSL 3.0]
[TLS 1.0]
[TLS 1.1]
[TLS 1.2]
[Cipher Suites]
[Network] > [Advanced]
[ARP Announcement]
[Allow Services And Ports]
[Data Ports]
[Online Services]
[SATO All-In-One Tool]
[SNMP Agent]
[Custom Settings]
[TCP Source Port]
[Existing Port No.]
[Additional Port No.]
[TCP Destination Port]
[Existing Port No.]
[Additional Port No.]
[UDP Source Port]
[Existing Port No.]
[Additional Port No.]
[UDP Destination Port]
[Existing Port No.]
[Additional Port No.]
[ICMP Type]
[Existing ICMP Type]
[Additional ICMP Type]
1 Can also be initialized by [Factory Reset (-Interface)]
[IEEE1284]/[RS-232C]/[USB]/[Bluetooth]/[NFC]/[Ignore CR/LF]/[Ignore CAN/DLE]
[Flow Control]
[Flow Control]
[Flow Control]
[Change USB Serial]
[PIN Code]
[BD Address]
[Firm Version]
[Host BD Addr]
[CRC Mode]
[Flow Control]
[I/F Enable]
[Ignore CR/LF]
[Ignore CAN/DLE]
[External I/O]
[Print Start Signal]
[EXT Mode]
[Start Print]
[Paper End]/
[Paper/Ribbon End] (If RFID is installed)
[Ribbon End]/
[RFID Tag Error] (If RFID is installed)
[Machine Error]/
[Machine/RFID Error] (If RFID is installed)
[Print Done]
[Ribbon Near End]
[Label Near End]
[EXT I/O Re-print]
[Antenna Position]
[Write Power]
[Read Power]
[Tag Offset]
[Tag Offset]
[Encoding Action]
[Label Measure Start]
[Pitch Size]
[Reader Model]
[Reader Version]
[Memory Bank]
[Filter Function]
[RSSI Filter]
[Threshold Value]
[Retry Mode]
[Mark bad tags]
[RFID Undetected Warning]
[Log RFID Data]
[Data To Record]
[Output Error Mode]
[Pulse Length]
[Count Success]
[Count Failure]
[Count Total]
[Count Success]
[Count Failure]
[Count Total]
[Starting Point]
1 Can also be initialized by [Factory Reset (-Interface)]
2 Can also be initialized by [User Reset (-Interface)]

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