TOP > Adjusting the Product > List of Initial Values > [Applications] Menu [Applications] Menu The initial value refers to the setting value of the product when it was shipped from the factory. The table below shows the initial value of each setting item. Setting Item Initial Value [Protocol] AUTO [SBPL] [Show Error] Disabled [Standard Code] Enabled [Orientation] Portrait [Font Settings] [Zero Slash] Enabled [Kanji] [Kanji Set] GB18030 [Character Code] GB18030 [Kanji Style] Gothic [Proportional] Enabled [Code Page] 858 [€] d5 [Compatible] [CODE128(C) Zero Fill] Disabled [Kanji Command] Disabled [Call Font/Logo] Disabled [SZPL] [Label] [Shift] 0 dot [Top] 0 dot [Caret] 94 (^) [Delimiter] 44 (,) [Tilde] 126 (~) [Clock Format] (none) [SIPL] [Font Settings] [Code Page] 1252 [New Font Encoding] Disabled [Proportional] Disabled [Zero Slash] Disabled [Format Save] Enabled [STCL] [Command Head] [Control Code] Auto [1st Byte Code] 27 [2nd Byte Code] 10 [3rd Byte Code] 0 [Font Settings] [Zero Slash] Disabled [€] d5 [Code Page] 850 [Half-width Symbol] Enabled [Rotation] 0 degree [Ignore Paper Size Command] Disabled [SDPL] [Control Code] [Code Type] Standard [SOH] 01 [STX] 02 [CR] 0D [CNTBY] 5E [Label Rotation] 0 degree [SOP Emulation] Auto [Compatible Mode] [TTF] Disabled [Graphics] Disabled [Right-to-Left print] Auto [Prioritize] [Format Attribute] Commands [Pause Mode] Commands [1 Byte Codepage] Commands [SDPL Measure Unit] Commands [Scalable Font Style] Commands [Darkness] Commands [Factory Offset] Commands [Speed] Commands [Sensor Type] Commands [Format Attribute] XOR [Pause Mode] Disabled [1 Byte Codepage] CP 850 [SDPL Measure Unit] " [Scalable Font Style] [Bold] Disabled [Italic] Disabled [SEPL] [Home Reference] [Horz. Offset] 0 dot [Vert. Offset] 0 dot [Memory Device] Internal FLASH [Sim. 300 DPI Head] Disabled Back to top