TOP > Various Settings of the Product > The Product's [Settings] Menu > [Interface] Menu > [Network] > [Services] > [SNMP] [SNMP]Set the functions for SNMP.The SNMP function enables you to monitor and manage a UDP/IP based network.The setting items are as follows:[sysContact]Set the contact information.You can enter 0 to 255 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.[sysName]Set the name information.You can enter 0 to 255 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.[sysLocation]Set the location information.You can enter 0 to 255 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.[prtMarkerCounterUnit]Set the unit to use for reporting counter values for subunits.The options are as follows:impressionsReport the number of printed labels.metersReport the length of printed labels in meters.[Agent]Set the Agent function.The setting items are as follows:[Enable]Enable or disable the functions for Agent.The options are as follows:EnabledEnable the functions for Agent.DisabledDisable the functions for Agent.[Read-Only]Set the read-only function.The setting items are as follows:[SNMP Version]Set the SNMP version.The options are as follows:• [1|2c|3]• [1|2c]• [3]• [Disabled][Community]Set the read-only community name.Appears only if you have selected [1|2c|3] or [1|2c] in the [SNMP Version] menu.You can enter 1 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: public[User]Set the read-only user name.Appears only if you have selected [1|2c|3] or [3] in the [SNMP Version] menu.You can enter 1 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: rouser[User Security]Set the read-only security level.Appears only if you have selected [1|2c|3] or [3] in the [SNMP Version] menu.The options are as follows:• [None]• [Authentication]• [Privacy][Authentication Protocol]Set the authentication protocol.Appears only if you have selected [Authentication] or [Privacy] in the [User Security] menu.The options are as follows:• [MD5]• [SHA][Authentication Passphrase]Set the authentication passphrase.Appears only if you have selected [Authentication] or [Privacy] in the [User Security] menu.You can enter 8 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: mypassword[Privacy Protocol]Set the privacy protocol.Appears only if you have selected [Privacy] in the [User Security] menu.The options are as follows:• [DES]• [AES][Privacy Passphrase]Set the privacy passphrase.Appears only if you have selected [Privacy] in the [User Security] menu.You can enter 8 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: mypassword[Read-Write]Set the read-write function.The setting items are as follows:[SNMP Version]Set the SNMP version.The options are as follows:• [1|2c|3]• [1|2c]• [3]• [Disabled][Community]Set the read-write community name.Appears only if you have selected [1|2c|3] or [1|2c] in the [SNMP Version] menu.You can enter 1 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: private[User]Set the read-write user name.Appears only if you have selected [1|2c|3] or [3] in the [SNMP Version] menu.You can enter 1 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: rwuser[User Security]Set the read-write security level.Appears only if you have selected [1|2c|3] or [3] in the [SNMP Version] menu.The options are as follows:• [None]• [Authentication]• [Privacy][Authentication Protocol]Set the authentication protocol.Appears only if you have selected [Authentication] or [Privacy] in the [User Security] menu.The options are as follows:• [MD5]• [SHA][Authentication Passphrase]Set the authentication passphrase.Appears only if you have selected [Authentication] or [Privacy] in the [User Security] menu.You can enter 8 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: mypassword[Privacy Protocol]Set the privacy protocol.Appears only if you have selected [Privacy] in the [User Security] menu.The options are as follows:• [DES]• [AES][Privacy Passphrase]Set the privacy passphrase.Appears only if you have selected [Privacy] in the [User Security] menu.You can enter 8 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: mypassword[Traps]Set the Traps function.The setting items are as follows:[Enable]Enable or disable the functions for Traps.The options are as follows:EnabledEnable the Traps function.DisabledDisable the Traps function.[SNMP Version]Set the SNMP version.The options are as follows:• [1]• [2c]• [3][IP Version]Set the IP version to use for trap destinations.The options are as follows:4Set the IP version to IPv4.6Set the IP version to IPv6.[Destinations]Set the number of trap destinations.The setting range is from 1 to 3.[Destination 1]Set address 1 for the trap destination.The displayed IP version differs depending on the [IP Version] setting.[Destination 2]Set address 2 for the trap destination.The displayed IP version differs depending on the [IP Version] setting.Appears only if you have selected [2] or [3] in the [Destinations] menu.[Destination 3]Set address 3 for the trap destination.The displayed IP version differs depending on the [IP Version] setting.Appears only if you have selected [3] in the [Destinations] menu.[Community]Set the Traps community name.Appears only if you have selected [1] or [2c] in the [SNMP Version] menu.You can enter 1 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: trapcom[User]Set the Traps user name.Appears only if you have selected [3] in the [SNMP Version] menu.You can enter 1 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: trapuser[Engine ID]Set the engine ID.Appears only if you have selected [3] in the [SNMP Version] menu.Initial setting: Created from the MAC address.Hexadecimal characters are allowed and the range is from 10 to 64 characters. (Only an even number of characters is allowed.)[Security]Set the security level.Appears only if you have selected [3] in the [SNMP Version] menu.The options are as follows:• [None]• [Authentication]• [Privacy][Authentication Protocol]Set the authentication protocol.Appears only if you have selected [Authentication] or [Privacy] in the [Security] menu.The options are as follows:• [MD5]• [SHA][Authentication Passphrase]Set the authentication passphrase.Appears only if you have selected [Authentication] or [Privacy] in the [Security] menu.You can enter 8 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: mypassword[Privacy Protocol]Set the privacy protocol.Appears only if you have selected [Privacy] in the [Security] menu.The options are as follows:• [DES]• [AES][Privacy Passphrase]Set the privacy passphrase.Appears only if you have selected [Privacy] in the [Security] menu.You can enter 8 to 32 characters. Alphabets, numbers and symbols can be used.Initial setting: mypasswordRelated TopicsItem SelectionSetting Value Input or Selection Back to top