TOP > Various Settings of the Product > The Product's [Settings] Menu > [Interface] Menu > [Network] > [Services] > [Ports]
For the two-port connection of Status4, this port is used for receiving print data. For the one-port connection of Status3/Status5, this port is used for both receiving print data and returning the product status.
For the one-port connection of Status3/Status4/Status5, this port is used for both receiving print data and returning the product status.
• You can change the return status format of port3 to Compatible mode by enabling [Legacy Status for Port 9100].
• When you have selected [Enabled], be sure to use one port connection for Status3, Status4, and Status5. Operation using two port connections for Status4 is not guaranteed.Enabled (Compatible mode)Disabled (Standard mode)Enabled (Compatible mode)Disabled (Standard mode)Enabled (Compatible mode)Disabled (Standard mode)