TOP > Various Settings of the Product > The Product's [Settings] Menu > [Applications] Menu > [Auto Switch Group] [Auto Switch Group] Set the printer languages to switch automatically. Appears only if you have selected [AUTO] in the [Protocol] menu. • The printer language set in [AUTO] mode is grayed out. The options are as follows: [SBPL]Enable or disable the SBPL printer language.The options are as follows:EnabledEnable the SBPL printer language.DisabledDisable the SBPL printer language.[SZPL]Enable or disable the SZPL printer language.The options are as follows:EnabledEnable the SZPL printer language.DisabledDisable the SZPL printer language.[SIPL]Enable or disable the SIPL printer language.The options are as follows:EnabledEnable the SIPL printer language.DisabledDisable the SIPL printer language.[SDPL]Enable or disable the SDPL printer language.The options are as follows:EnabledEnable the SDPL printer language.DisabledDisable the SDPL printer language.Related TopicsItem SelectionSetting Value Input or Selection Back to top