[Online Services] (SOS users only)
[SOS Mode] (SOS users only)
[Allow Remote Control] (SOS users only)
[MQTT Protocol] (SOS users only)
[MQTT Proxy enabled] (SOS users only)
Appears only if you have selected [Real-Time] in the [SOS Mode] menu.
Available only if you have selected [MQTT over WebSocket] for [MQTT Protocol] and if an enabled proxy has been set.
[Add Device] (SOS users only)
[Contact Information] (SOS users only)
[Periodic Notification] (SOS users only)
[Type] (SOS users only)
[Counter] (SOS users only)
Appears only if you have selected [Counter] in the [Type] menu.
[Head] (SOS users only)
[Notifications] (SOS users only)
Appears only if you have selected [Daily] in the [Type] menu.
[Weekday] (SOS users only)
[Day] (SOS users only)
Appears only if you have selected [Monthly] in the [Type] menu.
[Time 1] (SOS users only)
Appears only if you have selected [Daily] in the [Type] menu.
[Time 2] (SOS users only)
Appears only if you have selected [Daily] in the [Type] menu and have set more than two times for [Notifications].
[Time 3] (SOS users only)
Appears only if you have selected [Daily] in the [Type] menu and have set three times for [Notifications].
[Time] (SOS users only)
Appears only if you have selected [Weekly] or [Monthly] in the [Type] menu.
[Update Screen] (SOS users only)
[QR code offset] (SOS users only)
[Daily Checkup] (SOS users only)
[Port diagnostic] (SOS users only)

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