2. Tap to start the test print. Tap to pause the print.
• The value of [Pitch], [Offset] and [Darkness Adjust] set in the [Factory] menu will be reflected to the same item settings in the [Configure List] menu, [Configure QR] menu, [Paper Sensor] menu and [BD address] menu.
2. Tap to start the test print. Tap to pause the print.
• The value of [Label Length], [Pitch], [Offset] and [Darkness Adjust] set in the [Configure List] will be reflected to the same item settings in the [Factory] menu, [Configure QR] menu, [Paper Sensor] menu and [BD address] menu.
2. Tap to start the test print. Tap to pause the print.
• The value of [Label Length], [Pitch], [Offset] and [Darkness Adjust] set in the [Configure QR] will be reflected to the same item settings in the [Factory] menu, [Configure List] menu, [Paper Sensor] menu and [BD address] menu.
2. Tap to start the test print. Tap to pause the print.
• The value of [Label Length], [Pitch], [Offset] and [Darkness Adjust] set in the [Paper Sensor] will be reflected to the same item settings in the [Factory] menu, [Configure List] menu, [Configure QR] menu and [BD address] menu.
2. Tap to start the test print. Tap to pause the print.
• The value of [Pitch], [Offset] and [Darkness Adjust] set in the [BD address] will be reflected to the same item settings in the [Factory] menu, [Configure List] menu, [Configure QR] menu and [Paper Sensor] menu.If you enable [Hex Dump Mode], the product prints the received data and at the same time creates a file of the received data inside "hexdump/".
2. Tap on the message.
2. Tap on the message.
2. Tap on the message.Tap on the on-screen keyboard to confirm.
2. Tap on the message.
3. Tap on the message.