Specifying the Number of Split Images (CL4NX/CL6NX/CL4NX Plus/CL6NX Plus/S84NX/S86NX)
You can specify the number of split images on the page of the PDF document with the [Horizontal split] and [Vertical split] settings in the [Split Page setting] menu.
The [Horizontal split] specified the number of images to be split horizontally across the page.
The [Vertical split] specified the number of images to be split vertically down the page.
In the [Settings] > [Applications] > [DIRECT PRINT] menu, select [Split Page setting] using the / buttons.
The [Split Page setting] screen appears.
Select [Horizontal split] using the / buttons, then press the button.
The [Horizontal split] screen appears.
Set the [Horizontal split] value. Select a number using the /// buttons, then press the button to enter the number on the text box.
The setting range of the [Horizontal split] is from 1 to 10.
Select [Vertical split] using the / buttons, then press the button.
The [Vertical split] screen appears.
Set the [Vertical split] value. Select a number using the /// buttons, then press the button to enter the number on the text box.
The setting range of the [Vertical split] is from 1 to 10.

